Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mornings with Daniel and Daddy

Cody's first week of getting Daniel ready in the mornings and dropping him off at Kathy's wasn't without it's hitches.  Here's a day by day look at Cody's week last week: 

-Day 1: Get Daniel to Kathy's just fine, but forgets work laptop, paperwork and work keys at home.  Realizes it when he gets to work.
-Day 2: Decides the pants that matched the outfit I had laid out didn't fit him right, so he chose some different shorts that did not match.  I was very confused about what Daniel was wearing when I picked him up that evening :)
-Day 3: Cody sticks to the planned outfit, but put his shorts on backwards (Kathy didn't have the heart to tell him, so she told me when I picked Daniel up that night, lol)
-Day 4: Cody forgets to put his own shirt on!!!  I think the previous 3 days had really gotten to him, so this one topped them all, HAHAHA!
-Day 5: Cody gives up and told me I had to do drop off.  Ok, just kidding.  He didn't give up, but I really did do drop off that day b/c he had a breakfast catering.  

Here's to hoping week 2 goes a little more smoothly for Cody in the mornings :)


  1. Love it!!! These will be such fun to read when you are looking back at these sweet memories someday :) Glad you are documenting it all Sis!

  2. ok, I was reading this during class time and I started laughing out loud.....the kids already knew I was nuts - guess I just affirmed that!!! In all fairness, it IS a huge adjustment getting a little one with tons of "stuff' out the door instead of just yourself! Amers, I can relate to the shorts on backwards. One day when I went to pick up Alexis, Brenda told me that Tom brought her in her shorts with BOTH legs in one leg of the shorts and the other leg opening in back of her!??? REALLY??? Bahahaha!! How funny! Cody, you'll be able to do this in your sleep before you know it!!!
