Sunday, December 5, 2010

Maternity Pants = BFF

I am 2 days away from being at 15 weeks and already I caved and bought some maternity pants.  Am I depressed about having to do this already?  NO!!!!! I am in heaven!!  I am more comfortable than I've been for the past 3-4 weeks.  Granted, I probably didn't technically need maternity pants yet, but I needed a bigger size and didn't want to buy 2 rounds of new pants.  So, straight for the maternity pants I went this weekend (while I was supposed to be Christmas shopping for others).  Not sure if you can tell, but I am super happy in my new pants:

Here's a side pic...the bump looks bigger when I look down at it.  I was surprised when I saw the picture that it didn't look bigger.  At any rate, I'm getting there!!


  1. you're such a cute little pregnant woman!! :)

  2. I LOVE them!! Good ones sis-- so glad you are much more comfortable and still so stylish!! :) Loving the 'bump'! - Sister Sarah

  3. Ames, you are the cutest ever! Thanks for the bump pics and score on the new pants :)
    p.s. your boobs look fab too!
    Love you! Kylie
