Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Highs and Lows

Yesterday we had another OB appointment.  This time the Doppler picked the heartbeat up right away, loud and clear.  It was amazing to hear.  I think Cody and I both got huge smiles on our faces when we heard it and I didn’t want Dr. Heit to turn off the monitor – I just wanted to keep listening to our baby.  The heartbeat was right around 150 bpm….supposedly that means a girl.  ???  We were hoping to schedule our sonogram for before Christmas so that we could share the news with everyone at Christmas time, but Dr. Heit said it was a tad too early.  So the official sonogram date is set for Thursday, January 6th.  Can’t wait!!

Now for the “low” part.  Dr. Heit told me I needed to slow down my weight gain.  Ouch.  I have gained 8 ½ pounds so far and he told me I really should only gain 10 lbs in the first half.  Well, today starts Week 14, so I’ve got 6 more weeks to hold steady and only gain 1 ½ lbs.    I asked him if we could chalk about 3 of the pounds up to just coming off the Thanksgiving holiday and he laughed and said he’d give me that, but in all seriousness, he told me I need to be better about exercising and only eating 200-300 extra calories a day.  I know, I know. 

The past few weeks I have definitely been taking the eating for two thing literally and I really haven’t been regular about exercise the entire pregnancy.  I’m not sure why I thought I would automatically be the cute pregnant lady who doesn’t gain weight anywhere but her cute basketball belly when really I haven’t done a whole lot of work in that direction.  Sigh.  I’m sure I sound like I’m making a big deal out of nothing, but for some reason, it was really hard to be told I’d gained too much weight. 

So after we got home, I flung myself on the couch and cried.  Had me a little pity party.  Then Cody, probably feeling very helpless, was being extra nice and doing all these nice things for me, which for some reason made me cry even harder.  I was trying to pinpoint why exactly I was crying and I couldn’t.  At one point, he was packing up my lunch for today and I saw him marinating some fresh mozzarella for my salad and I started crying over that too b/c at that moment, mozzarella sounded really gross.  What is wrong with me???  Holy hormones!   I’m sure he was just ready for me to go to bed and start a new day J

Anyway, that’s the latest baby news.  Here’s to finding a good workout routine as I start my second trimester!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amy, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I was way over my target at 20 weeks and now I am right on track. I like to say I was an early gainer.
    Everyone is different...just do your best. :)

    Do you have a baby bump yet?

