Saturday, June 25, 2011

Favorite things about being a mom

  • This might sound a bit selfish to say, but there is something so satisfying and beautiful about being the only one who can calm him and make him happy when he's hungry.  It's seriously like a magic trick... his cries, even screams, immediately shut off once he's brought to the breast.  It's not even like he whimpers and winds down from crying so hard.  Nope, he's just immediately at ease and it makes me feel so good to be able to provide him that comfort.
  • I love to see his little tiny hands gripping my finger and I love listening to all his noises and watching all the faces he makes.
  • Daniel has this really sweet routine when he's done eating.  He pulls his head back away from me as far as he can (his neck is really strong) and has his eyebrows raised, and then he just let's go and totally relaxes and plops his head onto the boob and just nuzzles in and rests there.  
  • I could stare at him all day long (sometimes do) and just trace the features of his face with my fingers and admire this little person we created.  Sometimes I look at Cody holding him and see how tiny his little body looks when he's curled up like a frog on Cody's chest and am just in awe that we made him.  How amazing.  Holy hormones, I'm tearing up just typing this.
  • Marveling at the way God created women's bodies and what He enabled us to do. 
  • Being able to take a 12 week maternity leave.  I'm currently half way through my leave, time is flying, but I'm so so happy to still have 6 weeks left.  I feel like I'm really getting to know him and his habits a lot better at this point, so I'm so thankful I can savor our time together for a little while yet. 
  • Sleeping together...ok, I know some people would be aghast knowing he sleeps in our bed sometimes.  It's not very often...usually he's in his bassinet by the side of our bed...but sometimes he's a little fussy going back to sleep after his 4 a.m. feeding and it really seems to calm him to have him close to my body - hearing my heartbeat and feeling my body warmth.  I think it makes Cody nervous to have him in the bed, and before I did it myself I always thought it sounded so dangerous, but even in my sleep I'm very aware that he's there and I've never been nervous to roll over on him or anything like that.  More than anything, it just seems like he needs it sometimes for comfort and I love the extra bonding and physical contact with him.  Not to mention it's much easier to nurse. 
  • Going for our morning walks
  • Running errands and having people smile at us the way they do when they see sweet little babies.  And I think to myself, man - it's still surreal that I have a baby, that this is our child that people are smiling at so lovingly. 
  • The instant bond you have with other mothers.
  • Lots more, but Daniel is starting to get hungry so I better sign off for now....
Here's a pic I love, Daniel playing with Grandma:

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